Our Services
Standard Consultations
Standard appointments are 55-60 minutes and charged at a fee of $295. This fee is aligned with the APS National Schedule of Recommended Fees. All fees are payable at the time of consultation by cash, credit card or direct debit. Medicare rebates can be claimed with an appropriate GP referral. Rebates are also available through many private health funds.
Psychological Assessments
Clinical assessments assist in the diagnosis of Learning Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD). They may also be used to examine an individual’s cognitive and academic weaknesses. We ask that you attend an initial consultation prior to your assessment. This will ensure the battery of tests and scales selected for the assessment are relevant to your clinical concerns. The price of the assessment is dependent on the battery of tests required. Please see below for more information and complete the form below to enquire.
Learning disorders are ongoing problems that affect an individual’s ability to take in, remember, understand or express information. The most common forms of learning difficulties are in literacy, numeracy and comprehension. Signs of learning disorders are commonly observed in the early years of primary school. These may include:
Delays in achieving developmental milestones;
Difficulties in understanding and following directions;
Short attention span;
Memory problems.
Psycho-educational assessments examine an individual’s underlying academic skills including testing in literacy and numeracy. These assessments include a measure of IQ and processing. Assessments are used to identify an individual’s academic strengths and weaknesses, as well as identify what support a child may need to optimise their learning at school. Testing takes approximately 4 hours.
Psycho-educational Assessment
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) is a psychological condition that can cause issues with focus, organisation and time-management. The symptoms of AD/HD often arise during early childhood and can often remain undiagnosed into adulthood. These symptoms include:
Disorganisation and problems prioritising tasks;
Poor time management;
Problems focusing on a task;
An inability to multitask;
Excessive activity or restlessness;
Low tolerance of frustration;
Frequent mood swings;
Problems following through and completing tasks.
AD/HD assessments take approximately 4 hours, including break periods. These assessments are available for adults and children over the age of 6. AD/HD assessment involves testing for alternative diagnosis that mimic the clinical presentation of AD/HD. We offer a range of tests including WISC V, WAIS IV, WIAT III, CVLT and Rating Scales. The tests assess an individual’s performance in a range of cognitive, academic, memory and emotional regulation tasks.
AD/HD Assessment
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder often associated with difficulties in communication, social interaction and hyperfixation. Though these are common symptoms, some people without ASD can also present with similar behaviours. The symptoms of ASD often arise during childhood development and may present as:
A lack of social or emotional exchanges like pointing, smiling or engaging;
Difficulty developing and maintaining age-appropriate relationships;
Delayed expressed speech and understanding of speech;
Lack of eye contact when speaking;
Excessive adherence to routines, patterns or behaviours;
Strong reactions to sensory inputs such as sound, texture or pain;
Difficulties managing emotions.
ASD assessments take approximately 6 hours, including break periods. These assessments are available for children over the age of 6. We use a range of tests including ADOS and Rating Scales to assess the individual across a range of criteria. ASD assessment commonly occurs across 6 stages:
An interview with parents
Observation at school
Diagnostic assessment
Rating scales
Interactive play session
Feedback session
ASD Assessment
Preparing for an Assessment:
Assessments are conducted in the morning. Participants should be in good health and have a normal night’s sleep and breakfast prior to the assessment. You will be advised whether or not medication should be taken in the lead up to your appointment. Assessments vary in duration according to the tests being administered. Rest breaks are provided as necessary.
To help us perform the assessment, it is beneficial to have as much background as possible. Please forward the following documents (if applicable) to our practice email: thestevensonpractice@gmail.com.
Any previous speech, language, psychological and/or occupational therapist reports.
Any reports or letters from your general practitioner or child’s paediatrician.
Your child's latest school report.
Your child's latest NAPLAN results.
In addition to these documents, we will provide a series of rating scales for completion before your scheduled appointment. Please follow the instructions provided and complete these scales to the best of your ability.
After the Assessment:
At the time of booking your assessment, you will be prompted to book in a one-hour feedback session. This appointment should take place 3 weeks after conducting the assessment. During the appointment you will be guided through the results of the assessment and provided a report detailing these results. The follow-up session is included in the assessment fee.
Assessment Enquiries
Interested in an assessment? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!